Wheelchair Review - TDX SP

Chair Type: Outdoor class 3 powerchair

The TDX SP is the undisputed king of all powerchairs! I love this chair! I managed to buy this one virtually new for about £500 from eBay, later my husband tried to modify the chair and ruined it. At the time my husband was struggling with depression and I was struggling with impatient desperation caused by a combination of severe pain and autism so I couldn't wait...and sold it!

I've had three TDX's and these are the king of all chairs although they do have some weaknesses and there are some reasons personal to me why I probably would not buy one again.

Who is the TDX for? Someone wanting a heavy-duty all-day configurable chair with big battery life.

Good points about the TDX:

  • Powerful chair 
  • Thousands of ways to configure this chair 
  • Comfortable 
  • Great for an all-day chair 
  • fantastic outdoor performance 
  • Small turning circle 
  • Good for public transport 
  • Will never ever topple! (ever) 

Not so good points about the TDX

  • Will crush anyone's foot who gets in the way 
  • Heavy so check weights for lifts, WAV's etc 
  • Will always get stuck in the gravel 
  • Not great if you love off-road adventures as it's too heavy to get out of trouble 
  • Not easy to transport 
  • Has annoying arms 
I've owned 3 TDX's one which went up in the air. I sometimes work around children or vulnerable adults. I have also had a number of bad experiences with chairs so although this was the right wheelchair to get me back into a chair (it will never topple!) it was not the right chair for me long-term as I do love my freedom! 


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